SWIP-NL Academische lezing door Maren Wehrle op 29 april 2024 [uitgesteld]

Let op: de Academische lezing door Maren Wehrle is verplaatst, de nieuwe datum volgt z.s.m.!

Please note: the Academic lecture by Maren Wehrle has been rescheduled, the new date will follow as soon as possible!


Common People?
On the genesis and critique of lived and represented normality

Maren Wehrle (EUR)

April 29, 3.30-5PM

Hybrid (Nijmegen/Online)


Organized by SWIP-NL and The Center for Contemporary European Philosophy (CCEP) at Radboud University Nijmegen

This is a hybrid event open to researchers, students, and others interested in philosophy

Location: Radboud University Erasmusgebouw, E.2.12, Erasmusplein 1, Nijmegen.

Online via https://hu-berlin.zoom-x.de/j/65275873945?pwd=V1Z4NmxGRENPclc3SnY0VkVZZ00zQT09

For questions, please contact Liesbeth Schoonheim at liesbeth.schoonheim@hu-berlin.de


Normality is actually just another term for taken-for-grantedness. The fact that this longed-for or dreaded normality has come into focus in societal debates in recent years is a sign of the disquiet surrounding this normality. While some yearn for a supposedly lost normality, others see it as a dangerous normation that excludes everything and everyone that does not conform to the norm. But how does that which we experience as normal actually develop or change, and why should this normality be subjected to criticism?

In my talk, I want to demonstrate what a genetic phenomenological investigation of normality can contribute to societal debates as well as to an understanding of individual and intersubjective experience. To this end, I want to introduce the distinction between a lived and represented (discursive) normality, which, I argue, is associated with two different levels of normativity.

The interrelation of lived and represented normality will be examined through example analyses and a focus on embodied experience. The following questions are guiding: What is the phenomenological difference between a necessary and longed-for normality of world and self-experience, and a normation in which prevailing norms and power relations inscribe themselves directly or indirectly into bodies to make experiences like the body ‘normal’? To what extent can normality and the underlying norms be described as enabling on the one hand, and limiting and excluding on the other?


Maren Wehrle is Associate Professor in Practical Philosophy at Erasmus School of Philosophy. She obtained a Master degree in Philosophy, German Literature and Historical Anthropology at the University of Freiburg, Germany (2006). In 2011 she received a doctorate in Philosophy from the University of Freiburg with a dissertation entitled ‘Horizonte der Aufmerksamkeit. Entwurf einer dynamischen Konzeption der Aufmerksamkeit aus phänomenologischer und kognitionspsychologischer Sicht‘. From 2012 until 2017 she worked as Post-Doctoral Researcher and Lecturer at the Higher Institute of Philosophy (Center of Phenomenological and Continental Philosophy: Husserl Archives) of KU Leuven, Belgium. Her areas of specializations are Phenomenology, Philosophical and Historical Anthropology, Feminist Philosophy and Cognitive Psychology. Wehrle has authored many articles on topics like embodiment, habit, normality, attention, and normativity. She has written a monograph on Attention in Phenomenology and Cognitive Psychology, ‘Horizonte der Aufmerksamkeit‘ (München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag 2013), and recently an ‘Introduction to the Method of Phenomenology’ (‘Phänomenologie. Eine Einführung’. In Methoden der Philosophie. Springer 2022). Together with other colleagues she edited (with M. Ubiali) the volume ‘Feeling and Value, Willing and Action’ (Phaenomenologica: Springer 2015), a handbook on Edmund Husserl (together with S. Luft), ‘Husserl Handbuch. Leben-Werk-Wirkung’ (Metzler: Stuttgart 2018), and recently the transdisciplinary volume ‘Access and Mediation. Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Attention’ (with Diego D’Angelo and Elizaveta Solomonova).

SWIP-NL Academische lezing door Jana Cattien op 17 februari 2023

Op vrijdagmiddag 17 februari 2023 houdt Jana Cattien (politieke en sociale filosofie, UvA) op uitnodiging van SWIP een academische lezing: Getting Something Off your Chest: Feminist Consciousness-Raising, Therapy & Catharsis. De lezing wordt gehouden op de VU in Amsterdam.

Datum: 17 februari 2023
Tijd: 12.00-13.30 uur.
Locatie: Vrije Universiteit, NU-building, room NU 02A-65Wil je de lezing online bijwonen? Dat kan ook! Graag aanmelden via een mailtje naar swip.nlsecretaris@gmail.com.
“Getting Something Off your Chest”: Feminist Consciousness-Raising, Therapy & Catharsis

In 1973, when Kathie Sarachild, co-founder of the first feminist consciousness-raising (FCR) groups, spoke to attendees of a feminist conference in New York City, she was adamant to stress that the purpose of FCR was “not therapy, was not to give someone a chance to get something off her chest”. With this, she set up a sharp opposition between therapy, understood as a process of ‘offloading’ or ‘discharging’ negative emotions, and radical feminist emancipation. My aim in this paper is to overcome this false dichotomy between therapy as ‘catharsis’ on the one hand, and emancipatory political projects on the other. In order to do this, I will formulate a notion of catharsis that can make sense of the ‘therapeutic’ effects of feminist consciousness-raising without thereby pitting narratives of individual healing against projects of collective political emancipation.
Jana Cattien is Assistant Professor in Political and Social Philosophy at the University of Amsterdam. Her areas of specialization are feminist philosophy, gender theory, critical race and postcolonial theory. Previously, she was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Lincoln, on the ‘Suicide in/as Politics’ project. She holds a PhD from SOAS, University of London (funded through a SOAS Research Studentship), an MPhil from the University of Cambridge, and a BA in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from the University of Durham.


SWIP-NL Academische lezing door Jenny Pelletier op 23 maart 2022

What is a Social Group? A Fourteenth-Century Reconstruction

Jenny Pelletier

March 23, 12-1pm (online)

As part of the academic lecture series by SWIP-NL, the Society for Women in Philosophy in the Netherlands and Flanders, we are happy to welcome dr. Jenny Pelletier. Her talk, entitled “What is a Social Group? A Fourteenth-Century Reconstruction,” raises important questions of social ontology that continue to be relevant today.

While there is a lively debate on the nature of social groups in contemporary social ontology, much less research has been done on the historical contribution to thinking about social groups. In this talk, Jenny Pelletier will reconstruct William of Ockham’s (c. 1287-1347) view of social groups and explore some of its more peculiar features.

Dr. Jenny Pelletier is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science University of Gothenburg, Sweden and at Institute of Philosophy, KU Leuven, Belgium. She is specialized in late-medieval philosophy and has organized, among other events, the conference “Women on Medieval Philosophy.”

This event will take place online and is open to all. Please register through: https://surveyheart.com/form/62287a313452d4344e86d1ee

The SWIP-NL academic lecture series aims to showcase research by women* scholars in the Netherlands and Belgium, celebrating their contribution across the various sub-disciplines of philosophy.


Hypatialezing 2021: Ruth Hagengruber

lecture by Ruth E. Hagengruber: The Stolen History: Retrieving the History of Women Philosophers and Its Methodical Implications

panel discussion with Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach, Chris Meyns and Ruth E. Hagengruber:Between the lines: Will uncovering erased voices change our notion of philosophy?

moderators: Liesbeth Schoonheim and Trijsje Franssen

SWIP-NL Hypatia event (May 8th, 2021)

Aankondiging SWIP-NL Academische lezing door Sophie van Balen op 18 februari 2021 (online)

On June 18th Sophie van Balen (Erasmus University) will present her research on “‘Hometactics,’ atmospheric care and agonistic realism” in relation to environmental politics.

‘Hometactics,’ atmospheric care and agonistic realism: Ingredients for an environmental politics?

In politics and political philosophy, practices of care towards our surroundings are often considered out of scope or within a framework that perpetuates dichotomies between man and nature. Yet, contemporary challenges as well as contemporary work developed by mainly women thinkers suggest a shift in attention is possible and necessary. In a tentative exploration of different philosophical fields, this lecture will consider the politics of hometactics (Ortéga, 2019), atmospheric care (Vine, 2019; Puig de la Bellacasa, 2017), and agonistic realism (Honig, 2011/2014) as frameworks of politicisation and as potential building blocks for a future-oriented politics in face of environmental crises. What is the relevance of practices of care towards our home environments and of feeling (not) at home for such a complex and daunting problem as the climate crisis? How do these practices help to visualise as well as materialise politics as a more-than-human affair? And what tensions, or relations, come to the fore when considering (more-than-human) politics of care as instances of agonism?

Sophie van Balen (MA) is Lecturer Humanities at Erasmus University College and PhD researcher at Erasmus School of Philosophy. Next to that, she is head of the program board at philosophical café Felix & Sofie in Amsterdam. In her PhD project, Sophie van Balen develops a politics of air, air pollution and breathability in face of ecological crises. To this end, she brings together foam theory (Sloterdijk, 2016) with a new materialist, more than human politics of care. In 2019, Sophie van Balen organised the fourth biennial conference in Performance Philosophy ‘Intervention? Intoxication!’ and was guest-editor for the subsequent journal issue.

12.00h-13.00h CET; online through Zoom: https://tudelft.zoom.us/j/95643879935
Meeting ID: 956 4387 9935

SWIP-NL Academic Lectures: In February 2020, just before the Covid-19 crisis, we organized the first event in our new series of academic lectures (Jingjing Li, The Yogācāra Dialectics of Gender, Leiden University). We recently decided for now to continue the series online.

SWIP-NL Academische lezing door Jingling Li op 20 februari 2020

Ter versterking van de zichtbaarheid van vrouwen in de academische filosofie start SWIP dit voorjaar met een reeks lezingen aan de verschillende Nederlandse universiteiten.

De eerste vindt plaats aan de universiteit van Leiden op donderdag 20 februari 2020 van 16.00 uur – 17.30 uur. De lezing zal gehouden worden door universitair docent Jingjing Li, onder de titel: The Yogācāra Dialectics of Gender: Re-reading the Canon and why it matters.

Wees welkom!

Voor meer informatie klik hier.

SWIP-NL Academische lezing door Jingling Li op 20 februari 2020: verslag

Op 20-2-2020 hield dr. Jingjing Li, universitair docent Chinese en comparatieve filosofie aan de Universiteit Leiden in samenwerking met SWIP een levendige lezing over de yogacara dialectiek van gender en de noodzaak van het heropenen van de canon door het herlezen van eeuwenoude boeddhistische Mahayana geschriften.

Li richtte zich op de Chinese yogacara bewustzijnsfilosofie en besprak de geschriften van Xuanzang (c.604-662 CE) en zijn leerling Kuji (632-682 CE). Volgens de filosofische canon is de beeldvorming over vrouwen in veel traditionele boeddhistische teksten vrij negatief. Li onderzocht of dit in de genoemde geschriften ook het geval is of dat een herlezing ervan een gender fluïde interpretatie toelaat. Dit laatste bleek het geval te zijn en verassend genoeg zijn ook de bodhisattvas ofwel de mediterende wijzen in deze traditie niet noodzakelijk man. Deze wezens, op weg naar de verlichting, kunnen in vele vormen aan ons verschijnen; als dier, als god, als man maar ook als vrouw!

Met haar herlezing van de Chinese yogacara geschriften maakte Li onzichtbaar vrouwelijke denkers zichtbaar en gaf zij de bodhisattvas een eigen stem. De lezing was goed bezocht – een SWIP-initiatief dat we zeker zullen continueren!

Louise Muller, PhD Universiteit Leiden