Conference by Women in Philosophy 2019: respondenten gezocht

Ook dit jaar steunt SWIP-NL de jaarlijkse Conference by Women in Philosophy. Ze vindt dit maal plaats in Groningen, 23 en 24 juni a.s. met een interessant programma, waaronder de key note van hoogleraar ethiek Heather Widdows.

De organisatoren zijn nog op zoek naar respondenten voor verschillende onderwerpen (zie onderaan deze post).


CWIP 2019 call for respondents

For the Conference by Women in Philosophy 2019, we are looking for respondents willing to comment on presentations, which will take place Monday 24 June at Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). The program of the conference, where all talks are listed, can be found under Program 2019.

The goal of the conference is to provide a platform for undergraduate and graduate women philosophers to present their work to their peers. In this way we hope to create an opportunity for young women philosophers to inspire and motivate one another and to forge potentially productive alliances. We have a great number of young women philosophers present papers on a wide variety of topics.

The conference features a plenary discussion with keynote speaker prof. dr. Heather Widdows, as well as two symposia with experienced women philosophers working at universities in The Netherlands and Belgium. One symposium on ‘Feminist philosophy and Exclusion’ will be featured by dr. Charlotte Knowles (RUG) and prof. dr. Iris van der Tuin (UU). The other symposium will be on ‘Neurodiversity’ and featured by dr. Kristien Hens (UA), prof. dr. Trudy Dehue (RUG) and dr. Annelies Kleinherenbrink (UvT).

Anyone interested in providing commentary (or wanting to read one or some of the abstracts before deciding so) can send an email to Please mention on which paper you would like to comment, provide a short explanation why you are suitable to respond to this paper, and if you are interested in attending the whole conference. We will let you know as soon as possible whether you will be invited to comment.

One of the goals of the conference is to help each other develop as philosophers. For this reason, we find it valuable that all speakers get a prepared response to their work. Because of the variety of topics, we are looking for respondents with different backgrounds (respondents of any gender are welcome). Experienced women in academic philosophy working at universities in The Netherlands and Belgium are especially encouraged to be a respondent. We think all participants can really benefit from their presence at our conference.

The program can be found here.
You can find our Call for Registration here.


We are still looking for respondents for the following talks:

– On Kant’s Conception of Pure Intuition: how pure intuitions can both ground and depend on empirical intuitions. Lisa Benossi
– Voting on Mandatory Vaccinations: A Contextualisation of the Legitimacy of Referendums. Malvina Ongaro
– Can easy ontology settle the special composition debate in metametaphysics? Elizabeth Holt
– Does the dual theory of gender solve the inclusivity and normativity problems? Viktoria Matejova
– Inclusion and Fairness in Education. Leia Hopf
– A Consequentialist Way of Looking at Values in Science. Jisoo Seo
– The Body: point d’appui between Power and Resistance. Maura Ceci
– Cultural Global Rectificatory Justice. Ruth Kleczewski
– Kant and Maria von Herbert on Reticence, Simulation and Deception. Geertje Bol
– Transparent Talk about Sexualities. Taboo, Shame and Discretion versus Open Speech and Sexpositivity. Anna Mense